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A person in a flannel shirt, corduroy jacket, and jeans holds two decorative boxes while using a mobile phone to search for gifts.

87% of holiday shoppers in surveyed markets said they used Google to help with their shopping.1

With people shopping for holiday gifts much earlier in the year, brands must adjust when and where they deploy their holiday campaigns to ensure consumer engagement before, during, and even after the holiday season.

A shopping cart contains gift-wrapped packages and a shopping bag. 42% of holiday shoppers across surveyed markets agreed that holiday shopping was easier because they were able to shop both online and in-store.

At this stage, connecting with customers both online and offline is crucial. On average, 42% of holiday shoppers across surveyed markets agreed that holiday shopping was easier because they were able to shop both online and in-store.7 And, after shipping cutoffs, more shoppers rely on nearby stores to get what they need, which is why it’s important to showcase your physical locations and product offerings.

High-intent shopper marketing tips

Snowflakes flutter around a calendar page that displays the number 1. A gold star hovers over the scene. New Year’s Day, Jan. 1; Lunar New Year/Tet, Jan. 22; Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14 A bowl of decorated eggs sits next to a single white egg in an egg cup. A yellow flower hovers over the scene. Ramadan, March 23–April 22; Passover, April 5–April 13; Easter, April 9; Eid al-Fitr, April 21–23; Golden Week (Japan) April 29–May 5 A travel website with a boat sailing around an island appears next to a student’s backpack. An orangey-golden sun hovers over them.  Mother’s Day, May 14; Father’s Day, June 18; Eid al-Adha, June 28–July1; Back to School, July–Aug. Two cards stand side by side. One has a black cat and a bubbling cauldron; the other, an Early American-style hat and a pie. An orange leaf hovers over them. Halloween, Oct. 30; Diwali, Nov. 12; Thanksgiving, Nov. 23; Black Friday/Cyber Monday, Nov. 24–27 A dreidel spins next to a menorah with eight lighted candles, alongside two wrapped holiday gifts and an iced pastry bun. A red wreath hovers over the scene. Hanukkah, Dec. 7–15; Christmas, Dec. 25; Boxing Day, Dec. 26